If you enjoy winter recreation, here are some tips for finding the right property for you: Things to Think About When You Are Looking for Property in the Winter
Check out the Summer/Fall 2015 issue of Potlatch’s The Property Perspective to find out why LandRadar.com’s Rod Osterloh says it’s a great time to buy recreational land!
Posted on August 10, 2015by landradar in In the Know
DID YOU KNOW…? There’s a Minnesota Women’s Woodland Network (MNWWN) that “provides the opportunity to recognize and enhance the role of women in woodland management”…whether they own land themselves, inherit or purchase land in the future, or are simply interested in supporting…
Posted on June 16, 2012by landradar in In the Know
Pheasants Forever announces the completion of 12 land purchase projects in eight Minnesota counties with the help of grants recommended by the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council. The properties, totaling 1,820 acres, are now permanently protected for wildlife, and will be…