What is QDM?
From the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA):
Quality Deer Management (QDM) is a management philosophy/practice that unites landowners, hunters, and managers in a common goal of producing biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints. This approach typically involves the protection of young bucks (yearlings and some 2.5 year-olds) combined with an adequate harvest of female deer to maintain a healthy population in balance with existing habitat conditions and landowner desires. This level of deer management involves the production of quality deer (bucks, does, and fawns), quality habitat, quality hunting experiences, and, most importantly, quality hunters.
By creating quality habitat for deer and other wildlife, you can increase your property value and benefit the environment!
The Land Enjoying section of our Toolbox lists the QDMA and several other organizations that can help you preserve and improve your land and its value.